Track Day Club initiative, Educate, Inform Inspire (EII)was held on Saturday 27th June as a lead-up event to the Sunday 26th July women’s track day event.
The EII event was attended by over twenty of the thirty-four participants to assist in dissipating any fear or intimidation. Access all areas was the ethos with a valuable education session presented by long time supporter Disc Brakes Australia. where all things brakes, rotors, friction, terminology, slotted or not and more was presented and discussed. The second session covered in-depth track day preparation, the event schedule for the upcoming women’s track day and track day expectations. The second part of the session was a dive into building a growth mindset through cultivating confidence with a mini-workshop to ensure participants are set up for success. Closing out the event, Driver Coaches, Jacqui Taylor, Mechelle Sahyoun, and NSW Production Touring car racer, Corrine Virag, shared their remarkable journeys, and what was up next for each of them followed by lots of questions, ending the inspirational third session.
With ongoing increased attendance at our women’s track day events since 2013, we are excited to be ramping things up in 2021; as we develop a five-part track success program. This exciting and unique program focuses on education, mindset, empowerment and participation in all forms. We have established a framework for success with the tools for women to create a new sport for themselves. We are also excited to be establishing a scholarship program, that we are excited to announce shortly. In the meantime, you can get on track Sunday 26th July 2020, book here
For details of future women’s track day events, please contact Co-Founder Yvette Kinkade – [email protected]