Hello, 2022!
We have a cracker of a year planned for 2022, and we’re keen as, to be getting on with it!
Kicking off with the All Ford day on Feb 12 at Wakefield Park, we are thrilled to be welcoming over 150+ Fords of all makes and models. So cruise down and spectate for the day and you get up close and enjoy this moving car show!
Next up, we move to Pheasant Wood Circuit on Mar 5. We are rapted to be back exploring the newly upgraded 1.6km track and facility. BOOK NOW it’s an excellent opportunity to explore your potential at this sensational track.
May, July, Oct and December will follow, and we will get the details up as we get closer. Plus, we have a couple of catchup’s planned, so get on the mailing list to ensure you stay updated.
The Women’s PACE Project is back for 2022 and if you or you know someone who wants to reclaim their confidence, understand what makes them tick and close the gap from where they are to where they want to be, then this is the Program! LEARN MORE HERE
Time to get your car looked over, so you’re track-ready; read through our FAQ’s and prepare to book as each event is announced, as spots are limited!
We cant wait to welcome you and your car on track in 2022 with Track Day Club! Let’s do this!