In celebration of our Driver Coach, Greg and his birthday this month, we got to thinking about how important a Coach or Trainer is to each of us. Even from our earliest years most of us have been influenced by someone amazing who has helped us build skills that we still utilise today. So, we explored the question: “Is it possible to get more from the Driver Coach by swinging it around and where you the student, become the teacher?
How to train your Driver Coach
Seek them out.
Many of us wait on the Driver Coach to find us. It’s time for you to find them, introduce yourself face to face while the morning is young. Better yet, find them the evening before and buy them a southern and coke or a beer!
Tell them a bit about you.
Most Coaches will know nothing about you except for the coloured band on your wrist. Let the Driver Coach know if this is your first time, if it isn’t, then re-introduce yourself, tell them how many days you’ve done and if you have been to that particular track before. Briefly tell them about your car and if you done any mods and a bit about your driving style. That will give the Driver Coach the insight and rapport with you immediately delivering a training style suited to you and your car.
Name your aim!
A great Driver Coach wants to deliver realistic goals and will never shy away from helping you achieve, so don’t be shy and name your aim. Want to move up to the next group, clean up some lines, learn trail braking? Be clear about what you want to achieve throughout the day and remember to keep your aim real.
Set the standard.
On the first lap with the Driver Coach, look to drive with consistency and let the track come to you. You have all day. This will allow the Driver Coach to access your shortcomings and help you overcome them early so that new skills can be developed.
Don’t be shy to speak up and say what’s working and what’s not. Sometimes the simplest of changes like hand signals over verbal cues can make all the difference. Often too much info or not enough info from the Driver Coach can skew the experience. If you find that a previous driving instructor told you something different, firstly, follow what the current Driver Coach suggests and see how it feels, then make a note and chat about those differences as you’re coming back into pit lane. Remember to keep things simple building one new aim at a time until you’re a master.
Set a plan.
After your first session with the Driver Coach, always ask “what should I work on next session or how’d I do? The Driver Coach will have a real feel for your style and will definitely have something for you to build on. While sometimes constructive criticism may be a real reality check, remember you’re working together to achieve your aim. Invite the Driver Coach back into your car throughout the day to get an update on how you are tracking on the aim you’re focusing on.
Thank your Driver Coach.
This kind of goes without saying, however, often we are hyped and the Driver Coach is out of the car before we know it. A simple thank you goes a long way and opens the door for the next time you ask for training.
Now you have the lowdown to train your Driving Coach, remember to have fun, keep smiling and keep your aim realistic. We look forward to welcoming you to the next Track Day Club track day event!
Happy Birthday Greg!